
Monday, March 19, 2007

Risk Taking as a Factor of Creative Thinking 

Listen to Interview (mp3, 10 MB)

Risk-taking has not been a major area of study during recent decades, but increasing interest is being taken in its relation to creative thinking. The definitions of risk–taking vary widely depending on the researchers, purposes and theoretical biases .most definitions of risk-taking were concerned with economic theory in the first half of twentieth century. Moreover, Lopes (1983), indicates that the psychological dimension of risk-taking was generally neglected.

Before discussing the educational implications of risk taking, in its relationship to creative thinking, certain basic factors involved in risk-taking deserve mention. These include situational factors such as the nature of the risk taking task, the nature of motivation provided by the task, and the effect of other people on risk taker. These also include gender differences, age, profession, values, anxiety level, and creativity of the risk taker. Discussion of these will lead to suggestions on how risk –taking can be integrated into the learning environment.

Professor Abdullah Alsafi, who received his Ph.D. Degree in educational psychology 1989 from the University OF Wales, U K., is a professor and senior lecturer in department of educational psychology at King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia ,he was member in many academics and university administrations .he was consulted with many organizations regarding teaching learning in Saudi Arabia ,and he has presented his ideas regarding creative thinking, problem solving, learning strategies etc in many formal schools. He has presented papers in many conferences in Saudi Arabia, United State (APA) & (ACA), and Malta. He has published in English and Arabic language journals on topics focusing on creative thinking , motivation , learning and thinking ,anxiety , attribution ,achievement ,personality traits that dispose to creativity ,verbal production , psychological reality in pre school etc. and is the author of two books in Arabic: one on Creative Thinking and the-Evaluation in education. His third book, on educational psychology, is due to be published soon.

Abdullah Taha Alsafi
King Khalid University
Department of Educational Psychology
Abha, Saudi Arabia
PO Box 9035
009667 2247303 Office
009667 2263986 Fax

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